How to Talk So Your Doctor Listens


5 Secrets to an Effective Visit


How come they do not understand or care what you are asking?  


What do you have to say to get a real investigation?


Why don't they get what I am trying to say?


Where do I start? There's so much.


You are ready to be heard.


You deserve validation and answers.


You Need to Know How to Talk to Your Doctors


They are not hearing what you are asking. 


In This Detailed Guide You Will Learn 5 Secrets to an Effective Visit:


#1. Setting Yourself up for Success with an Elevator Pitch

How to brief them on your needs succinctly since we are not here to hang out for fun. 


#2.  Presenting Symptoms Dr Style 

How to present your case so they truly hear you.


#3. Rock a 15 Minute Visit 

Speed dating for clinic visits (and how to get more time).


#4. Red flag symptoms & Dr Dilemmas 

What to bring up when. It matters.


#5. Become a Beloved Complicated Patient

Get your messages answered faster and have them go the extra mile for you.


BONUS: Included is a Printable Guide for your own clinic visits. Fill it in to have more effective visits instantly.