You deserve to feel limitless and energetic.

With results-oriented expertise to navigate and treat Hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos & the related disorders truly living again becomes possible.


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Meet Rebecca!

I'm Rebecca Mass-Krajewski! I am a Medical Detective, Nurse Practitioner & Hypermobile EDS patient who knows what you experience at home & in clinic.

About Rebecca

Guide: How to Talk So Your Doctor Listens

5 Secrets to an Effective Visit


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There is Hope

There is hope for invisible illnesses like HEDS, POTS & MCAS when you have a Medical Detective who is a results-oriented expert.

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We truly believe you.
We will never tell you to just relax, do more yoga, or that it's all in your head.
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You CAN feel better! 

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Get connected with Hypermobility & EDS experts who understand your unique health history and the relationships between EDS and other disorders


Here at The EDS Clinic, you don't need to explain yourself. We already believe you.

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